Thursday, April 5, 2007


Anyone ever heard of an established church of over 200 that has never had an actual budget? I hadn't, until now of course.

Apparently my new church has never even considered keeping a budget- thankfully, the new pastor is all for knowing how much money you have and where exactly it goes. We hope to have a rough draft of a budget within the month. What a mess...

Now, I am also left with the uneviable task of coming up with a proposed 2007 NYI budget. This would usually be a pretty easy task, but take into account that I am only 3 weeks into this job, I don't have any clue what this group is used to spending, I have no previous years' budget to go by, and I don't even know how much money the church in general has to spare. I feel like I'm grasping at straws here... at least it's making things interesting in the office this week!


brad said...

i remember the first budget i came up with. there had never been one before as we were a house church plant.

what i did...

1. lots of seeking God for who he wanted us to be this year and what sort of resources we needed to be that.

2. i wasn't concerned about the final total as much as what it whow it was God wanted us to be. i proposed the budget the way i thought it should be. then i worked out it's approval.

3. hanging out with students was free:) i just kept this in mind. $ isn't everything. in fact, i knew i could never 'buy' a relationship.

i'll be praying for a youth pastor working out a budget this week.


brad said...

edit: 2. 'who it was God wanted us to be' (not 'as what it whow it was').

Robin said...

No words, Random Anonymous Nazarene Youth Pastor whom I may or may not know. :-)

No words.

Robin said...

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the prayers, and I hope everything is going well for you with the transition. There's also been a lot in the national news this week that has reminded Ken and I of some experiences in the past with you, and you've been in our thoughts in that regard too. I'm so glad that God's hand of protection was on us!