Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fun with Alcohol!

Since no one who reads this was at NYC, we are going to skip my thoughts on it and plow right ahead to a new topic- Alcohol!

I subscribe to a youth pastor email list. Basically, youth pastors have email conversations and debates with other youth pastors from around the country. Yesterday, a youth minister mentioned that he drinks a beer from time to time- and was basically condemned to hell for it.

What are your thoughts on the alcohol issue for Christians? Is it a sin to take a sip? To get drunk? OK in moderation?


brad said...

1. too many to count
2. no
3. yes
4. yes

Robin said...

If I comment, will you post again?

I believe that drinking alcohol is not a sin, but I also believe that it is not wise. And that's really the issue for me. Alcohol is not beneficial, so why risk being a stumbling block to others or getting drunk and give control of your mind to a substance that's not known for making you more prone to holy living?

And yes getting drunk is a sin. But here's a link to an interesting article on that:

Knits in Church said...

I agree with Robin...

I can't speak for others on the alcohol issue, but I can speak for myself.

I have close relatives who are alcoholics, so I personally don't drink. I'm not sure if drinking would be a sin for me, but it would be really stupid.

As for getting drunk... I do and say enough dumb stuff that makes God look bad all by myself--I don't need alcohol's help!